Narcissus Guide


Cosmic and Creative

"Unlike the economic conception of man
which is specialized and technical,
the cultural conception of man
is cosmic and creative".
D. Paul Schafer.*


Cosmic and Creative


...C & C *

From the assertion "that we live in a world in which the symmetry between the past and the future is broken!"(26)...we should reassert:
Sure, New Millennium Art will keep no symmetry with the images, colors, materials, concepts of old early 20th century painting...
BUT it will keep alive all the good influences, HEALTHY influences from it!.
The statement that "NEW METHODS developed in that context of discovering new properties to matter lead to a better understanding of our environment"(27) makes us conclude we could apply those New Methods to develop an Art focusing issues related to state the actual CHAOS of our Global Environment thus moving our spirit to improve its conditions!: (Towards a New Ecology-Conscious Art?...a Hyper-Complex Green Aesthetics?).. A Complex Epic-Global song for food and shelter, so the actual United Nations estimate of 6 billion world population could be conscious to feed properly themselves, as well the 7.8 billion inhabitants of the 2020s...?!. A complex "sing a song" for the poor children from all over the world!!!,,,
A complex green-aesthetics statement, because as the geneticist and writer David Suzuki says:
"We seem blinded to the consequences of what we are doing, by a perverted notion of progress called "economic growth", which impels us to take an impossible goal of endlessly growing consumption and profit. The incidental casualties of this mass delusion -workers, communities, ecosystems, children, future generations - were once the very reason for, and basis of, the economic system in the first place"...
"The role of NONLINEARITIES and FLUCTUATIONS demands a CONTINUUM"-Discontinuum(28) in a Fluctuation
from one detail to another,
from one piece to the next,
from one period of time to another..of no time...
So Painting (Visual Arts in General) has reached a new language level in which NEW FACTORS like those envissioned by Consciousness of Complexity occur. To be included as processes applied to the art of painting, the rationale behind this act is quite simple: Painting in this post-historical yet hysterical period has moved as quickly as our Consciousness and Knowledge has !-. AND IN DOING THAT IS STILL CAPABLE TO ADDRESS OUR NEW STATE OF SPIRIT AS WELL OF MIND AND MOST IMPORTANTLY OUR NEW STATE OF HEART AND EARTH IN THE COSMOS!.

*D. Paul Schafer, an essay about "The Cultural Interpretation of History: Beacon of the Future" from "Art and Reality" edited by Robin Blaser and Robert Dunham. 1986, Talonbooks, Vancouver, Canada. Page 183.


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Alberto Cerritos
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